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Iconography · UX essentials

Guidance on icon usage in the Editor.

Uses correct Editor icons
Blue plus sign icon indicating that clicking on this will expand this content
Uses appropriate Editor icon type and size
Blue plus sign icon indicating that clicking on this will expand this content


Icons are crucial elements in UX design, offering intuitive visual cues and saving interface space by condensing complex concepts into simple symbols. They are designed to be clear and straightforward, distilling functions into easily recognizable representations even at small sizes.

Icon design, a specialized field in visual design, focuses on creating these symbolic representations for user interfaces, requiring attention to practices that ensure consistency, clarity, and scalability across platforms and screen resolutions. In products like the Unity Editor, well-crafted icons greatly enhance user navigation, simplify interactions, and boost engagement, ultimately reducing the learning curve for new users through familiar and easily understandable visual signposts.

Icon types and sizes and their naming conventions

Examples of three different icon variations
1. Single-size icons, 2. Icons with MIP levels, 3. Gizmo icons
Examples of the five standard icon sizes
Unity Editor icons scale up using these standard sizes (in pixels): 16x16, 32x32, 64x64, 128x128, 256x256

Single-size icons

Most tool/functional icons in the Editor are single size; which means they are not scaled between different sizes. We do however support double-resolution versions made for retina screens. 

The sizes of these icons vary depending on their context. These icons usually come in two sizes: The normal size and the retina display size, which is twice as large.

An example of a single-size icon in a non-retina size on the left and a larger retina size on the right
A single-size icon in non-retina and retina sizes

Naming conventions for single-size icons

  • All words in an icon name start with a capital letter
  • The retina version should have the suffix @2x just before the file extension, while the non-retina version should have no such suffix.
    Note:  this is different for icons with MIP levels (see section below)
  • Icons for dark themes are indicated by the prefix: d_
  • Note: Icons without the d_ prefix will be used for both light and dark themes, in case there isn't a d_ version of the icon available.
  • Selected state icons are the same in both light and dark themes however, separate files are provided for both as the naming convention still needs to follow current conventions. Selected state icons are indicated with (Space)On at the end of the name


  • Animation.Play.png
  • Animation.Play@2x.png
  • d_Animation.Play.png
  • d_Animation.Play@2x.png
  • Animation.Play On.png
  • d_Animation.Play On.png

Icons with MIP levels

All icons that are intended to be visible in the Project window (for example Asset icons used in the Project Window) need to have MIP Levels. This means three to four versions of each icon in different sizes are required. 
Use five icon sizes to accommodate the retina-supported Editor (in pixels): 16x16, 32x32, 64x64, 128x128, and 256x256.

Examples of five sizes of icons with MIP Levels
Icons with MIP levels example in five sizes

Naming conventions for icons with MIP levels:

  • All words in an icon name start with a capital letter

Examples of file names for different sizes:
Different sizes are indicated by this suffix: @[pixel size]
Note that this is different than for single-size icons. Icons with MIP levels should not use @2x, @4x or similar suffixes.

  • WhiteBox@16.png
  • WhiteBox@32.png
  • WhiteBox@64.png
  • WhiteBox@128.png
  • WhiteBox@256.png
  • WhiteBox@512.png

Examples of file names for dark themes:
Icons for dark themes are indicated by the prefix: d_

  • d_WhiteBox@16.png
  • d_WhiteBox@32.png
  • d_WhiteBox@64.png
  • d_WhiteBox@128.png
  • d_WhiteBox@256.png
  • d_WhiteBox@512.png

Examples of file names for selected state:
Icons for selected state (how the icons should look when the object is selected, so the background is blue) should have an " On" suffix before the "@".

  • WhiteBox On@16.png
  • WhiteBox On@32.png
  • WhiteBox On@64.png
  • WhiteBox On@128.png
  • WhiteBox On@256.png
  • WhiteBox On@512.png
  • d_WhiteBox On@16.png
  • d_WhiteBox On@32.png
  • d_WhiteBox On@64.png
  • d_WhiteBox On@128.png
  • d_WhiteBox On@256.png
  • d_WhiteBox On@512.png

Gizmo icons (SceneView icons)

Gizmo icons are MIP level icons that exist in the scene to show users the location of objects that are invisible when deselected.

The naming convention for gizmo icons is: “[Example] Gizmo_MIP[0-4].png"

An example of five gizmo icon sizes
Gizmo icons exist in the scene to show users the location of objects that are invisible when deselected.
Icon of a letter I in a blue circle indicating this is a piece of informational content
Exporting gizmo icons
When exporting or saving a gizmo icon in Photoshop or Illustrator add a black background layer with transparency set to 99% (opacity 1%). This is to avoid Photoshop or Illustrator optimising the alpha which shows up as a white border around the image in the scene view. This only applies to gizmo icons, not MIP level icons in general.

File format

Icons in the Editor should be in a transparent .png format.

Icon of a letter I in a blue circle indicating this is a piece of informational content
.SVG files are not currently supported.
IMGUI does not support the use of .SVG icons and until transition to the UI Toolkit framework is complete, .PNG icons will continue to be used. Incorporating .SVG icons into the Editor is an ongoing initiative and this document will be updated when .SVG capability is implemented.

Where to find icons

The Editor icon library is viewable via a Figma Library and as a gallery with additional documentation on Airtable. (Unity internal access only)

Using Existing Icons

Reusing icons depends on their intended meaning and usage context. As a general rule, using icons for their original intended purpose is acceptable. Avoid repurposing icons for different meanings, request consultation and possibly consider creating a new icon, or using an icon modifier.

  • Consider using an icon modifier if the concept is linked to an established icon but adjusts the meaning for the user, such as adding a settings cog modifier to signify added settings functionality
  • Reference the icon database in Airtable to search for concepts and find definitions of icons
  • You may propose an additional definition of an existing icon if there are no conflicts
  • Do not take an existing icon, rotate it and implement it as a new icon
  • Repurposing existing icons for incorrect/unapproved functions will result in bugs being filed and will need to be fixed
The Airtable database is a living document that is collaborative in nature, not all documentation have been added yet but is in progress. If you or your team have any information you may notice is missing, please reach out to the Editor UX Consistency team to help us gather all the information we can.

Requesting new Editor icons

To request new Editor icons, create a Jira Design Request ticket using Project ID: EICONS

To request a review of icons, create a Jira Review ticket using Project ID: EICONS

Learn more about the request process via Unity’s Confluence page. (Unity internal access only)

Full service icon design is available to teams lacking design support and bandwidth.

  • All requests are placed into a project queue and triaged based on timeline and scale
  • Avoid last-minute icon requests/reviews and to prevent project delays
Requesting icon design review/consultation

Teams that have design support and who may already be familiar with the icon process can also utilize a more self-service approach to their icon needs. Designing their icons and submitting them for a review can help speed their implementation process. Teams may use the following
The review process can be as collaborative as needed and the UX Frameworks icon designer can offer valuable guidance and consultation throughout.

  • Keep in mind that any icons submitted for review may require further iteration and adjustments
  • Avoid last-minute icon requests/reviews and to prevent project delays
  • The following design guidelines can also be found on the Icon Design Playbook page in the Figma Icon Library
Icon testing and implementation

Requesting teams are responsible for testing their icons to ensure they make sense to their users. Icon testing involves evaluating the clarity, comprehensibility, and effectiveness of the icons in conveying their intended meaning or functionality. Teams should test with representative users to gather feedback and iterate on icon designs as necessary.

Requesting teams are also responsible for the implementation of their iconography. They can find relevant information and guidelines on icon implementation on Confluence. If teams encounter difficulties during implementation, they can reach out to developers in the #devs-ux Slack channel for assistance and guidance.

Designing Icons

An example of approved and finalized icon deliverables, designed for light and dark theme.
Icon of a red triangle to indicate a message of warning.
Do not implement icons into the Editor without a review by UX Consistency
Icons that have not gone through a review, that break the guidelines, or that have been repurposed for incorrect/unapproved functions will result in bugs being filed and will need to be fixed.
See Jira ticket section for more information on requesting design support and reviews.

Principles of Icon Design

Use Icons as a Strategy, Not a Primary Solution

Icons play a vital role in creating an effective and delightful user experience. However, they should not be the sole solution and must be integrated into a broader UX strategy.

  • Avoid relying solely on iconography for user navigation; consider other UI elements as well
  • Avoid overcrowding UX solutions with excessive icons; a better user experience is not guaranteed by using more icons
Fit within Unity’s Established Icon Style
  • Reference the current icon library in Figma to ensure new designs fit seamlessly within the existing style.
  • Use established visual metaphors, such as arrows or shapes, to maintain consistency and improve user recognition
  • Do not incorporate artistic flourishes that don’t belong, such as placing artwork within a circle or using stylistic notches
Simplicity and Clarity

Icons should be simple, clear, and easily comprehensible at a glance.

  • Avoid excessive visual complexity or unnecessary details that may hinder recognition or cause visual clutter
  • Maintain simplicity and clarity by limiting the number of visual elements in a single icon to 2 or 3 at most
Minimal Text Usage

Relying on visual metaphors and symbols instead of text ensures better scalability and cross-cultural understanding.

  • Icons should generally avoid using text unless absolutely necessary
  • If text is required, limit it to no more than 2 letters or numbers
Consider Monitor Resolutions

Icons need to consider different monitor resolutions for clarity and legibility.

  • Continually verify that icons are readable at 100% size
  • Designers should check icon clarity using the "Pixel Preview" command (Opt+Cmd+Y), ensuring icons remain clear across various screen densities
Exceptions vs Inconsistencies

There are some inconsistencies to be found throughout the icon library. These are primarily unintentional, stemming from designs implemented years ago before a more centralized approach to iconography was in place and are addressed as areas are updated and improved over time.

There are also some intentional exceptions - these are rare approved only with justification and consideration of the tool. 
A prime example of an exception would be Node icons for Graph Tooling. Node icons appear on a blackboard which is often viewed highly zoomed out and are designed specifically to be able to be more easily seen at less than 100% size. These icons still follow the icon guidelines with the exception of using a heavier stroke weight when needed.

  • Inconsistencies happen when design style and existing icons are not thoroughly reviewed and incorporated into the design process
  • Exceptions are made on a case by case basis
  • Exceptions will not be approved without product-based justification and will result in bugs being filed
  • Personal preference is not a justification for an exception
  • Even icons with minor exceptions still follow the overall Editor icon design style

Design Exploration & Iterations

Icon design means designing tiny and sometimes exploring tiny differences. These minute adjustments can make a big impact when seeing an icon at 100% size. Sometimes iterations of a concept may mean adjusting the placement or size of an element by a single pixel here and there.

  • Designers are encouraged to explore subtle design adjustments
  • Keep all explorations of icons.  After a version 1 review, copy and paste your artboard of explorations to work on V2
  • Utilize a “scratch sheet” artboard to place explorations you don’t want to iterate on or include in your reviews. Even the designs that don’t work at all have some value as designers will be able to clearly point back to explorations that didn’t work during reviews
  • Always include both light and dark themes in design explorations. A design that looks great in one theme may not be as clear in the other.
Icon iterations with a range of subtle variations, this is common in icon design throughout versions until finalization


It is important to prioritize accessibility in design. Relying only on color changes for indicating interaction may exclude users who have difficulty perceiving or distinguishing colors.

  • Icons that change upon a user interaction, such as a toggle, should not solely rely on color as the differentiator
  • To ensure inclusive design, provide a tangible visual indicator by incorporating other visual cues, such as shape or pattern variations (using color changes when necessary) to signify that a change has occurred in the icon. This is so that all users, regardless of color perception, can understand the icon's status or state
Do recommendation illustrated by a green checkbox icon
Use a graphic adjustment to differentiate between icons or states
Don't recommendation illustrated by a red X icon
Rely on color alone to differentiate between icons or states

Sizing and Padding

1. All icons are contained within a 16x16 pixel artboard  2. Most icons have 1pixel of padding all around 3. Tab and Window icons have 2 pixels of padding all around
  1. All icons: are designed and exported with a 16x16 pixel frame
  2. Standard Asset and Component icons: 1 pixel of padding around the inside of the icon area.

    Effectively giving 14x14 pixels of design area within a 16x16 pixel frame
  3. Tab and Window icons: 2 pixels of padding 
effectively giving 12x12 pixels of design area within a 16x16 pixel frame.
Sometimes 2 pixels of padding is not possible, but designers should aim for that as best practice, for instance if the icon’s artwork needs to be 12x13 pixels to work that is acceptable.
Start small and scale up
  • Design icons at the smallest size (16x16 pixels) and scale them up in increments of 16 for larger sizes
  • Do not design icons at arbitrary or large sizes and then scale them down
  • Always verify that icons are readable at 100% size

Pixel Perfect Design

  • Ensure strokes and fills align precisely to pixel lines, especially on straight horizontal or vertical positions to reduce blurriness and maintain visual clarity
  • Turn Grid View on when designing icons (Command + ” )
Do recommendation illustrated by a green checkbox icon
Use the pixel grid to place shapes and strokes properly within pixels
Don't recommendation illustrated by a red X icon
Allow shapes and strokes to land between pixels on the pixel grid

Optical Balance

Icons should be optically balanced within the icon area, optical balance differs from absolute centering.

  • Prioritize clarity over perfect centering to prevent blurriness
  • If artwork cannot land perfectly in the center, offset it by a pixel to one side. This may mean adjusting/reducing the size of the artwork to be pixel perfect
  • Placing artwork with 1 empty pixel on the left and 2 pixels on the right is preferable to centered artwork with blurry strokes
Do recommendation illustrated by a green checkbox icon
Adjust lines, size and centering of the icon for optical balance and clarity
Don't recommendation illustrated by a red X icon
Ignore padding requirements or center icons perfectly when it means placing lines between pixels

Fills, Strokes, and Gap Weight

  • Icons are built using a combination of filled shapes and strokes
  • Strokes are 1 pixel and use rounded end caps and corners
  • Sharp corners may be used for clarity when needed
  • Design elements should be separated by at least 1 pixel of space, overlapping elements should have a 1 pixel cutout
  • Do not use strokes under 1 pixel in weight to ensure they are legible and visually distinguishable when viewed at 100%
  • Do not mix stroke weights
Do recommendation illustrated by a green checkbox icon
Use consistent line weight throughout icons
Don't recommendation illustrated by a red X icon
Mix line weights or use lines that are less than 1 pixel
Icons are a mix of 1 pixel strokes and filled shapes, separation between elements should be at least 1 pixel
Modifiers and Cutouts

Modifiers are visual indications of adjustments or clarifications to existing icon concepts. For example, Light Settings uses the Light icon with a settings cog modifier. Other common modifiers are Add, Edit, Brush, and Render.

  • Modifiers are positioned in the bottom right corner with 1 pixel of padding from the edge of the icon area
  • Modifiers employ a "Cutout" effect with 1 pixel of space surrounding the modifier to ensure clarity and distinction
  • Modifiers should not take up more than a quarter of the overall icon area, including it's cutout
  • Cutouts should be used whenever a separation or gap is needed between design elements
  • Just like stokes, do not use gaps under 1 pixel in weight to ensure they are legible and visually distinguishable when viewed at 100%
  • Sharply angled cutouts should have rounded corners
Do recommendation illustrated by a green checkbox icon
Set the outer stroke to rounded corners before creating the cutout
Don't recommendation illustrated by a red X icon
Leaving pointed edges on steep angles will lead to the cutouts removing too much from the bottom element
How to create cutouts
Icon in the shape of the Figma logo indicating Figma content

1. Modifiers and overlapping elements need a cutout around them for good visibility.

2. Add a 1 pixel outside stroke with rounded corners around the modifier or top element.
3. Right click the shape and select "Outline Stroke".

4. Delete the inside of the outlined stroke.

5. Select both the expanded shape and the element you’re cutting from and use “Subtract selection”

6. You've now created a cut out. Use these any time there needs to be separation between elements.
7. Clean up any unnecessary outlying pieces by adding a shape to cover it up in the "Subtract" grouped layer.


Icon of a red triangle to indicate a message of warning.
Intended for icons only
The icon color palette below is intended to be used for icon colors only. Do not use it in brand / product design implementations.

For more information about other colors go to Foundations > Color Palette.

Primary palette
Icons that don’t require to be color coded uses this color.
Secondary palette
Primarily for Graphics product area.
Charcoal / White
Primarily for Unity logo symbol.
Primarily for Navigation feature area.
Primarily for Animation product area.
Green 1
Primarily for Physics feature area.
Primarily for components and assets icons for Network and Constraints feature area.
Primarily for 2D product area.
Primarily for Lights feature area.
Feedback colors
50% Gray
It is for when there is no ways to create depth or segment visually an element in an icon. Minimally used.
rgba(85, 85, 85, 0.5)
rgba(196, 196, 196, 0.5)
Primarily for suggesting active states and messages. e.g.) Active, On
Primarily for suggesting neutral state. e.g. standing by
Green 2
Primarily for suggesting positive states and messages. e.g.) Success, Good, Done
Primarily for suggesting error states and messages.
Primarily for icons that need to change color on a selected state.
Primarily for suggesting warning states and messages.
Accent colors
Antique Red
Accent color used to communicate to remove. It is often used for tool mode icons to help rows of icons distinguishable. It also help with associating icons that have commonality between their tool functionality.
Iris / Purple
Accent color used to communicate to modify. It is often used for tool mode icons to help rows of icons distinguishable. It also help with associating icons that have commonality between their tool functionality.
Accent color used to communicate to select. It is often used for tool mode icons to help rows of icons distinguishable. It also help with associating icons that have commonality between their tool functionality.
Sea / Spring Green
Accent color used to communicate to add. It is often used for tool mode icons to help rows of icons distinguishable. It also help with associating icons that have commonality between their tool functionality.
Steel Blue
This accent color is for generic use. It is used when an element is placed on a White (#f0f0f0) color shape. This color may not work directly on Dark Theme backgrounds.